Expositor para colares DIY

Wow, it seems like it has been a long time since I shared something here with you guys. But my brain has been a tiny bit chaotic lately, so apologizes for that.
Also chaotic was my jewelry box until I decided to create this beautiful holder for my necklaces. Oh how much easier it made for me to select my accessories. Let's face it, I am a lazy ass, so if I have all my necklaces tangled in a big mess, my motivation to choose one to wear goes down the drain immediately. Can you imagine rings, bracelets, necklaces and a few random things like bobby pins and such, (Ahem! Shame on you Inês) all stored in a one big compartment box? Yeah, I think you're feeling me now. Haha! So this was by far the most helpful and easiest thing that I've created in a while, and I thought it would be nice to share with you. Oh, I've been wearing my necklaces every single day now, by the way, just in case you're wondering.

The only things you'll need for this are:
  • A branch
  • Small nails
  • String
  • A hammer
  • A pair of scissors
necklaces display diy

First things first, you can start preparing the branch by peeling it off. I found this one out in the forest and after letting it dry for a couple of days, I thought it would look better this way. But if you want to give it a rougher look, you can opt to leave it untouched. Or if you want to make it fancy, you could also spray painting it.

necklaces display diy

For this next part you can use a pencil to draw the places where you're going to put the nails, or you can go all in (like I did) and just start nailing them randomly onto the branch. Just make sure that the branch is in the position you'd like to see displayed on the wall, later on.

necklaces display diy

After you nailed all you want, you can use a rope, a string, piece of fabric or even a wool string to support the branch. I used hemp string in this case to make it look more neutral and natural for this style. All I did was making a slipknot, wrap the string around the branch a couple of times and make three slipknots to hold it in place. After this I've cutted the ends that are facing the wall.

necklaces holder diy

necklaces holder diy

necklaces holder diy

And ta-dan! It's all done. See how easy? Now you'll just need to display it wherever you'd like.

necklaces display diy

necklaces display

I hope you liked this idea. Don't forget to share it with me if you try it. I'd love to see your creations!

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