January 28, 2021


Welcome to 2021!

It's crazy looking back at movies from when I was a kid and see what we believed at the time that the so far off future would bring. It's freaking 2021 and I still don't see any flying cars (luckily- phew!).

With or without any flying cars, I hope that you all managed to have had somewhat of a good time last year and I wish that 2021 brings us all even more wisdom and happiness.

New Years resolution list

Now tell me, are you the kind of people who like to make New Year Resolutions List? Personally, I was never someone drawn to making this type of list. For some reason, the thought of it always put me off. Perhaps because of my "low expectations" mentality, I tend to look at these as pieces of paper filled with unrealistic goals that we so easily throw behind our backs just a few months in the new year, and that later on come back to haunt us leaving a sour taste of self-disappointment and self-sabotage.

However, something that I recently noticed that David and I have been doing for a while is a recap of the events from the previous year, and without any expectations simply check what we had accomplished throughout the year. This past year was no exception. December 31st, and there we were sitting on the couch looking back at what we had done the whole year. For some reason, to me, this seems much more of a positive way to look at things and that brings me comfort.

Two things I'm sure that 2020 taught most of us was that not only are we much more flexible than we ever thought possible but that it is actually OK to slow down too. And with that in mind, I think that we should all be more forgiving not only with each other but also with ourselves and actually give a pat on the back for the simplest of the accomplishments this past year.

When I recap 2020 I remember that even though we were all taken by surprise by a new routine and scary events, at first people were still in good spirits, trying to find ways to support and develop each other. I bet most of us finally learned to make sourdough bread at home. A lot more people went on walks just for the sake of it and consequently got more connected with nature. We were all surprised and congratulating the environmental difference that fewer car and airplane rides had, and above all, we finally took a huge step when it comes to giving more importance to mental health.

However, this good spirit kind of subsided as the months went on and no light at the end of the tunnel seemed any closer. By the end of the year, things like "f*ck 2020" and "a shit show of a year" became viral hashtags and with that people forgot all of the good things that this challenging year brought along. Don't get me wrong, this may have been a pretty hard year, but I'm sure that most of us have had worse years before, in a way or another. So why not focus on the good things for once and at least give ourselves that well-deserved pat on the back for the simplest of the accomplishments, be it leaving the bed in a dark and cold winter morning when we could give one finger to hibernate or contributing to reducing the pollution for at least a few months.

Even though 2020 was a year with no expectations besides becoming parents for the third time, and especially considering everything that happened, I can only feel proud for what I've managed to accomplish. These may seem like nothing to you, but to me, these were important factors that helped me overcome personal fears and to feel even more grateful for the little things. So, here I'm sharing a list of my personal achievements in 2020.

Accomplishments in 2020

Did and passed the theory exam;

Not only we had our third daughter, but I was once again lucky enough to deliver at home with my midwife of choice (completely out of luck) and with no complications whatsoever;

Took the first step and met new people;

Practiced and developed my Dutch quite a bit;

Learned new skills and developed others that were left stagnated for years;

Kept my children alive, super healthy, and happy.

Goals for 2021

And since 2021 will still be a year full of uncertainties and a lot of these goals will in part depend on the new scenario, I will call this a "Hopes List". I will make my best to accomplish all the goals but will also be gentle with myself by the end of the year's retrospective. Here's my promise.

Around the middle of the year, I'll give you an update on the situation and in case you want to join me, tell me at least one realistic goal that you really want to accomplish by the end of the year. Maybe this way we can motivate each other.

What I Wish to Accomplish in 2021

Finally, hold my driving license and with it practice driving my family to beautiful places;

Post more often here even though I may only post in one of the languages at a time;

Reorganize our living space;

Work on our backyard;

Practice and publicly share my creative development when it comes to illustration;

Work to get more fit.

It will be a busy year. Let's do it!


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